Shakshuka is a North African and Middle Eastern meal of poached eggs in a simmering tomato sauce with spices. It's easy, healthy and takes less than...
This Skillet Chicken and Potatoes is the perfect easy weeknight meal! With savory fall veggies and deliciously seasoned chicken thighs, this recipe will...
Bacon wrapped chicken is seasoned chicken breasts wrapped in bacon and then baked at high heat for crispy bacon on the outside and tender chicken breast...
This rice and vegetable casserole is the perfect one pot dinner, packed with veggies, rice and beans - such a hearty vegetable bake that's comforting...
One of my most popular recipes ever, with almost entirely 5 star reviews! Its appearance doesn't do it justice - this lentil bake is incredibly tasty,...
Easy, cheesy and comforting! This easy Philly spaghetti is ready in the time that it takes to cook the pasta, and comes with a silky smooth sauce thanks...
This chicken and chorizo tray bake is all about minimal effort with high returns. Prepare it in under 10 minutes and then sit back and let the oven do...
We love healthy chicken crock pot recipes! Throw all of the ingredients for this Healthy Crockpot Sesame Chicken recipe into your slow cooker and have...
This Healthy Broccoli and Cheese Casserole is a lightened-up version of a childhood classic. An easy gluten free recipe perfect for meal prep and easy...
Here is a simple to make and oh so delicious casserole that's sure to become a family favorite. Serve for a side dish or a main. All mixed together in...
Looking for fun and delicious zucchini recipes to whip up? Try these taco stuffed zucchini boats that are loaded with your favorite Mexican ingredients....
With its tasty layers of eggplant, meat sauce and bechamel sauce, a traditional Greek moussaka is a really hard meal to beat. It can take a little while...
A delicious veggie pasta sauce, crammed full of 6 different vegetables. Perfect for picky eaters or just a great way to add more veg to your family's diet....
This baked chicken & chorizo is the simplest of one pan chicken dinners, but also one of the tastiest. Just pile chicken, tomatoes, chorizo, garlic, basil...
Let's make the best Instant Pot Chicken Thighs on the internet! This recipe is made with chicken thighs and the most delicious Asian-inspired honey garlic...
Incredibly tender slow cooker pulled pork is made with a yummy dry rub and is cooked low and slow in the crock pot! Serve this pulled pork crock pot on...
Cajun chicken pasta mixed into a creamy tomato sauce with a hint of spice. A wholesome pasta dish full of rustic, earthy favours and made in less than...
These Butternut Squash Fritters make a delicious and comforting lunch or dinner the whole family will love. They're also a brilliant way to get some veggies...
Say hello to your new favorite Instant Pot recipe -> Instant Pot Thai Coconut Curry Chicken! This coconut curry chicken is made with full fat coconut milk,...
This easy Meatball Stroganoff is scratch-made in an easy-to-prepare sour cream gravy made without using canned soups or frozen meatballs. This family-friendly...
Pork and cider is a classic combination. These ingredients work beautifully as a hotpot with mustard, apple and thyme and a layer of crisp roast potatoes...
These vegetarian okonomiyaki are an easy version of the traditional Japanese dish - perfect little cabbage pancakes that are far tastier than they have...
This family friendly Cheesy Pierogi Casserole is layered with cheddar pierogies, creamy sauce, crisp bacon, scallions, mozzarella and cheddar cheese. This...